
6-25-12 it is with great sorrow......

I announce the passing of 1 cucumber plant, he will be missed, not sure about this brand, but hope springs.

Got new cages in, I got's nice neighbors....... 

 I think I got "patio'ed" again (romas on the left)


06-10-12 Ok who's not happy with the heat!

Besides me the Cucs are not very happy, I think I'm going to lose 1 it looks very sick.
But on a good note.......... beans are up and out! All else looks good.......

05-30-2012 Let's get it started!

Decided to get the party started despite the heat I think it's time to get my hands dirty.

Here's the lineup:

We have "Burpless Cucumbers". These are a gift I get every season. (thanks Bob!)

Then "Royal Burgundy Beans". Also a gift and the only thing I grow from seeds (thanks Sandy)
There in there!

Some Better Belle "Sweet Bell Peppers" &   "Sweet Banana Peppers"

On Tomato row we have "Roma", "Beef Master" and  "Cherry Red"  tomatoes.

And that's it, now if  the weather will just cool off................


And so it begins anew! 2012 is starting off way too hot! But ya gotta start sometime.
We'll take it slow and start with the Cucumbers.