
2nd Harvest 7-29-08

Things have really taken off. I've started to prune the leaves from all but the Patio plant. This should help produce bigger fruit.

Look Twins! Gonna watch these two and see how fast they grow.
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1st Harvest 7-19/22-08

Man cucumbers grow double in size overnight. Before I knew it, these had to be picked! General logic says do not let them get over 8-10 inches, or they might get bitter. Also pick them before they turn yellow.

7/19.............................................. 7/22


Things are coming along nicely; all the plants seem to like the fencing. Tomatoes and Cucs are starting to grow ! The little guy doesn’t need a fence….




Last year, (see previous 07' posts), things got really out of hand, and the plants almost took over. This year I decided to reign in the plants by using some fencing and tying them down.

Burbless Cucumbers
There are 4 plants here.

Roma Tomatoes
There are 2 plants here.

And this was supposed to be a Cherry Tomato plant, but someone put it in the wrong section and I did not look at the plant marker, which shows it as "Patio Tomatoes" which are hybrids designed to grow in pots, and don't produce many branches. Oh well, live and learn, always check the care and feeding tag to be sure of plant type.